#Chapterexcerpt from Scattered Pieces by Allie Able

#Chapterexcerpt from Scattered Pieces by Allie Able


When Summer Foster finally escapes her abusive husband, she moves to the quaint coastal town of Cape Isle, South Carolina. Summer tries to face her fears and put the scattered pieces of her soul back together, but what will happen when her past collides with her future?

Summer has always wanted to own a bakery. When the opportunity presents itself, for her to start over in Cape Isle, that is the first step she takes in rebuilding her life. For months, she is content to sit back and watch life pass her by, while she lives in the shadows. She had made up her mind to never get into a relationship again. Everything was going according to plan, until she met Grant Hamilton.

Grant is recently discharged from the military, after serving for ten years in the Marines. Grant has never thought of settling down, but a chance encounter with Summer, has made him rethink his future. When Grant gets a job doing the renovations on Summer’s house, they begin to spend more time together and they can’t deny the gravitational pull they feel towards each other.

Will Grant be the one to help Summer pick up her scattered pieces or will it all fall apart, when Summer’s past comes back to haunt her?

Chapter Six


I wake up early the next morning, with the sun shining bright through my bedroom windows. As I lazily stretch in bed, my mind immediately wanders to Grant. Lexie was right, he is a genuinely nice guy. I could see myself easily becoming friends with him. He never pushed me to talk or made me feel uncomfortable. While I was eating dinner, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him staring at me a few times, with a small smile on his face. It wasn’t like any of the looks Ryan use to give me. It was a look that said he was just happy to be there sharing dinner with me. I didn’t say much as we ate and neither did he. As we sat outside eating our pizza, we both simply enjoyed the comfortable silence between us and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. When he asked me why I came to Cape Isle, I wasn’t expecting that question, but I didn’t even need to think about it before I answered. However, he couldn’t possibly know the true meaning of that statement. I am still very much that scared woman that left Winston, Tennessee six months ago, but I feel the old me coming out more and more.

After eating our pizza, we sat on the porch a little longer while I asked him a little about his time in the military. I knew he had joined with Lexie’s brother, when they were twenty years old. I also knew he had served for about ten years. He told me funny stories of his time over seas and about the guys in his unit. Our conversation was light and he left just a short time later. When I walked him to the door, he gave me a soft smile and wished me goodnight. I watched him as he got into his truck and drove away.

I check the clock beside my bed and see that I have actually slept in later than I usually do. I don’t open the bakery until 1:00 pm on Sunday’s. I still have plenty of time before I have to be at work, but I reluctantly get out of bed and go start my coffee. Since it’s suppose to be warm outside today, I decide to change into my swim suit and lay on the beach for awhile. For the first time in years I feel light and happy. With a smile on my face, I again think of the words I told Grant last night. Yes, I think I could definitely find the girl I use to be here in Cape Isle, South Carolina.


“So, I heard that Grant and his dad’s company are doing the renovations on your house. I also heard you had dinner with him last night,” Lexie says, as soon as I walk into the bakery.

“Holy shit. How did you know that? It just freaking happened last night,” I respond, as I shake my head in disbelief.

Lexie shrugs her shoulders. “It’s a small town,” she says, as though that should explain it all.

“It was just pizza and we only ate together because both of us were starving. To be honest, I’m a little frightened at how fast gossip gets around in this town,” I say with a laugh.

“Don’t be. So, were you not going to tell me?”

“Tell you what Lexie? There is nothing to tell. You were the one that told me I needed more friends. I could see myself becoming friends with Grant. On top of that, his company is doing the renovations on my house. I’m sure I will have to be around him a lot. Besides, I just walked in the freaking door.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry for the inquisition as soon as you walk in the door. You can go put your purse down first,” she says with a smirk.

I laugh as I go towards the office, “Thanks.”

I set my purse down on the desk and walk back into the kitchen. As I’m pulling a mixing bowl out of the cabinet, Lexie comes into the kitchen.

“I know you don’t want to talk about this or make a big deal out of it,” she starts, before pausing.

“But -,” I say, waiting for her to finish.

“But, Summer I know it is a big deal for you to have a man in your house, not to mention have dinner with him. I know you try to hide it, but honey I see how nervous you get when men come into the shop and you’re not even completely alone with them here. I don’t know a lot about your marriage, but I do know that your ex did a number on you. I just want to make sure you’re okay,” she finishes on a whisper.

I let out a sigh and look at her. “I’m okay. I promise. I feel comfortable around Grant, Lexie. I can’t really explain it. I just met him a few days ago, so it makes no sense as to why I feel this way. I may not be with Ryan anymore, but I am still letting him control my emotions and I’m sick of it. I don’t want him to have that type of hold on me.”

Lexie gives me a small smile, “I get that. If you ever need to talk I’m here. I hope you know that.”

I nod my head at her, “I know. Thank you.”

“Okay. What are we making today?” she asks and I let out a sigh of relief, thankful she is changing the subject.

“The usual, but for our special I’m making chocolate graham cracker cupcakes with toasted marshmallow frosting.”

“Oh my God, that sounds so good. You are freaking awesome.”

I smile as I start to mix all the ingredients in to the bowl, “Do you want to start on the cookie batter?”

She gets another mixing bowl down and gets to work, “I’m on it, boss lady.”


Grant and I decided to start the renovations on my house the following Tuesday, so when my phone rings Monday night, I’m surprised to see that it’s him. “Hello?”

“Hey, Summer. I’m sorry to bother you, but I wanted to make sure you would be home tomorrow morning to let the construction crew in. They should be there around 8:00 am.”

Crap. I had completely forgotten they needed me to let them in. “Um, I open the bakery at 7:30 am on week days,” I reply, trying to figure out what I’m going to do.

“Okay, I’m lucky to get the guys to the job site by 8:00 am. I think it would be considered a miracle if I could get them to your house any earlier,” he says with a deep chuckle, “What time do you leave your house in the mornings?”

“I usually leave here at 6:00 am so I can get everything baked and ready before we open.”

“Wow, you’re obviously a morning person,” he responds, with a light laugh.

I smile into the phone, “Yeah, I always have been.”

“I’m sorry. I guess we should have talked about this the other night.”

I shake my head, even though he can’t see me. “It’s not your fault. I knew you guys would be starting tomorrow. I guess I just didn’t think of how they would get into the house without me here,” I pause, trying to come up with a good solution, “What if I just gave you a key?”

What did I just say? Did I just offer a him a key to my house? I look at the glass of wine I’m drinking and wonder if I’ve had more than one glass. I have officially lost my mind.

“Are you sure?” he asks, sounding as shocked as I feel.

“Yeah, I’m sure. I have to be at the bakery so early every morning. Until the renovations are finished, it would make sense for you to be able to get into my house when I’m not here.”

There is a slight pause before he replies, “Okay. Do you mind if I come to pick it up tonight?”

I look down at myself and see that I’m only wearing panties and a tank top and my hair is in a messy bun on top of my head.

“Um, Sure?”

He lets out another deep chuckle and I feel myself shiver in response. I glance back at my wine glass and then look at the bottle sitting on the counter. Yep, I’ve only had this one glass. What in the hell is going on with me?

“I’ll see you in about five minutes, Summer.”

“Yep,” I respond.

I disconnect the call and quickly walk to my bedroom to try and make myself look presentable. After I’ve brushed my hair, I get a pair of shorts out of my dresser drawer. As I’m putting them on, I hear the doorbell ring. Crap! That was a fast five minutes.

I walk out of my bedroom and through the living room, to the front door. I give myself a second to take a deep breath and compose myself, before opening the door.

“Hey Grant.”

“Hey Summer,” he responds, with a smile.

I stand in the doorway and look at him. He is wearing a pair of gray shorts and a black t-shirt, that is stretched across his broad chest, showing off his defined muscles. I feel my mouth go dry and I can’t help but wonder why I respond to him the way that I do. Never in my life have I felt this way towards a man. Sure, I was attracted to Ryan when we first met, but even in the beginning it was never this jolt of awareness, that I have every time I’m near Grant.

I hear him chuckle and my eyes go to his face to see him smiling at me, with dimples on both cheeks. Holy shit! How have I not noticed the dimples? I quickly advert my eyes to the floor. I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment at being caught checking him out, again. I mentally chastise myself. Get control of yourself, Summer!


You can connect with Allie Able at:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllieAble1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Author-Allie-Able-1635782430009791/?ref=hl

Blog / website: www.authorallieable.net

Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/-/e/B018V51U8Q

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14679815.Allie_Able

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorallieable/

About Sahara Foley

Sahara Foley, in collaboration with her beloved late husband, writes urban and dark fantasy, science fantasy, and the occasional horror tale. She is an international award-winner and the first book in her Excalibur Saga series has been an Amazon bestseller multiple times. In 2018, she teamed up with friend and fellow author J.M. Northup to start Norns Triad Publications. They represent four authors under their brand. Sahara was born and still resides in the Midwest. Insurance Guru during the day, on her time off she enjoys reading, gardening, traveling with her family, helping fellow authors, and her secret passion – gaming. She is currently working on a new fantasy, time-travel story titled, Time Stones, slated to be released in 2022. You can connect with Sahara below: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/booksbysaharafoley Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaharaFoley Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/saharafoley/ Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Sahara-Foley/e/B00J9ST32U/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
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