If you were born in January, you’re probably aware that Garnet is your primary birthstone. But as all things in life, there’s always more than just one. And, sometimes, there’s always more than one thought on the matter. But ultimately, it comes down to you and which birthstone you connect to the most. It could be one or all of them. Or maybe even none.
Still, here are some of the alternate birthstones for January: Rose Quartz, Jasper, and Onyx.
Did you know that Garnet is the gemstone for second wedding anniversaries? And the most famous Garnet piece is the Antique Pyrope Hair Comb? Now that would be a heck of an anniversary present. 😁😁

Garnets have been valued and used throughout history. During the Bronze Age, they were used not just as gemstones but also has abrasives. The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs proudly wore them on elaborate necklaces. In Ancient Rome, Garnets were used in signet rings to make their seal in wax for official documents. And in the Middle Ages, nobility and the clergy preferred the fiery red gems.
This goes to prove that crystals are NOT just a New Age thing, but they’ve been used since man walked on two legs. After all, we ALL love that bling!
So, what are the health benefits from Garnets?
It’s believed that wearing the red stone can channel positive energy and help rid you of the negativity that comes from guilt and depression. They can also help with stronger self-confidence and mental clarity. Who doesn’t need that in this day and age?
During the medieval ages, they were used to treat inflammatory disease, hemorrhages, and anger. Some traditional folklore links the stone to the circulatory system and the production of hemoglobin. They thought the crystal boosted the metabolism, treated spinal disorders, stimulated the blood, and more.
We’ve lost so much to modern medicine and the control of our health by he pharmaceutical companies. 😡😠
Garnets are also known for protection, friendship, trust, commitment, and love. Garnet is also said to keep the wearer safe during travel.
Did you also know that Garnets are not just red? It all depends on their chemical composition. The most valuable Garnets are the ones with green tones. Probably because they’re so rare.
Is Garnet your birthstone? Do you feel drawn to it or are just like meh, not for me?
Next month I’ll be looking at the birthstone for February.