My friend, and fellow Norns Triad author, Karen J. Mossman, recently started a new blog series called 100 Word Story. I thought it was a great idea, but since I don’t consider myself a writer, I let it slide by. Or, so I told myself. We all know how that goes. 🤣😂
Two Fridays ago, I had a headache from too much screen time for work. I was lying on the couch with a towel over my eyes, when BAM! here came this stupid idea for a 100 word story. Well, by the time I condensed it down to 100 words (which isn’t easy), it morphed into what I have below. So, there’s still a story idea rolling around inside my noggin, but it’ll have to wait until I’m retired. I hope you enjoy my short version below. 😁
Deb laid on the couch, a towel draped over her tired eyes. Too much screen time had put a strain on them. Her throbbing headache made worse by the sun streaming through her patio door.
A hot pain ran up Deb’s arm. A bug had bitten her on the wrist last night, and now, it was beet red and pulsating to her heartbeat. Then, it stopped. And so did her heart. WTH?
Suddenly, her cat, Cleo, hissed and jumped off her chest, yellow eyes wide with fright.
Deb’s stomach rumbled with hunger. Licking her lips, she knew what to do.