So, in my early June blog post about discounted & free books I mentioned that Pegasus was my favorite mythical creature. In my newsletter I asked what their favorite creature was, and if they responded, they were entered into an Amazon Gift Card drawing. A very generous one, I might add. Anyway, dragons won, hands down. So far. I still have my last newsletter to do for the end of June.
I love dragons too. I fell in love with them after reading The Dragonriders of Pern. I wanted a Ruth so bad.
Even a fire-lizard would’ve worked. But, Pegasus is still more majestic and beautiful.
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JUNE 2018 FREE Ebooks by Creativia Authors–16th to 30th.
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JUNE 20, 2018
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JUNE 27, 2018
JUNE 28, 2018
JUNE 29, 2018
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These books are always free with Kindle Unlimited and I am not responsible if the prices don’t match my post. I have no control over the promotions. Thank you, and PLEASE – Leave A Review when done reading any book.