SHADED: COLORED LIES by R.E. Danille & T.D. Dean
From birth, Avery Foster was destined to be anything but ordinary. When a mysterious storm stirs up over her school, Avery discovers a dark past and a family secret that changes everything as she knows it. All of a sudden, people are out for her blood, immortal blood. With her family by her side, and a boy she’s known since childhood, can Avery overcome all the barriers put in her way and bring about change for a race who has lain dormant for thousands of years?
This is a debut novella by R.E. Danielle & T.D. Dean. There is an interesting plot, just not very original. Teens with unknown magical powers have been way overused. I did identity with Avery and liked her character. My wanting to know what happened to her next kept me reading the story, even with all the the numerous proofreading/editing errors. I almost deleted the book from my kindle on several occasions. I can also say there were no surprises at the end. I knew who the person would end up being that kept lurking in her room.
The characters weren’t very well-developed as they all sounded the same, and all the females giggled, even the grandmother. There was also the obligatory Hatfield & McCoy romance, which didn’t surprise me either when it was revealed. I just felt the plot was thin and too cookie-cutter for me.
Even with all the criticism noted above, it was a nice light-hearted read and a way to pass the time. If you love YA stories with magic and love, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this book. I give it 3 feathers.