#SaharasMusings – The Mandela Effect

What Is the Mandela Effect? 50 Mandela Effect Examples

By now, most people have heard of the Mandela Effect.  It refers to the fact that a whole lot of the population misremembers the exact same thing.  It got the name Mandela Effect due to the reason that a lot of people, me included, remember Mandela dying in prison and never being released.  

Here are some examples of what people believe and what we are told is reality.  Some are older, some are more recent.  So whatever is happening, is still going on. 

Captain Crunch or Cap’n Crunch – I grew up with Captain Crunch, not Cap’n Crunch.

Kit Kat or Kit-Kat – I remember the hyphen. 

“Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” quote – “Luke, I am your father” vs “No, I am your father” – Sorry, but It was the former and not the latter. 

C-3PO – C-3PO is golden from head to toe vs C-3PO has a silver leg.  I never heard of this one until I started doing this post.  To me, C-3OP was golden from head to toe.  Why a silver leg to begin with? 

“The Matrix” quote  – “What if I told you …” vs The line doesn’t exist.  Again, one I didn’t know there was a controversial over as I KNOW that line was said.  

“Shazaam” movie – Comedian Sinbad starred in “Shazaam” vs “Shazaam” doesn’t exist.  Hmm, this one I gotta totally deny.  What the hell is going on?  

If you want more, this link will take you to 50 examples of the Mandela Effect.  It will blow your mind. 

Logically, there is NO WAY thousands of people remember the same thing that never happened.  Just no way!  So, what really is going on?  

Some theorize that we’re living in a simulation and these ‘quirks’ happen when the code gets adjusted.  While watching this episode of The Why Files, I remembered my own personal Mandela Effect. 

Back in the mid 1980’s, one morning I woke up, went to the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and freaked out.  Literally freaked out.  It’s the first, and only, time in my life that I became somewhat hysterical.  I’m not that type of person.  I’m too logical for that.  Boy, did I scare Bob.  He didn’t know what to think. 

So, what freaked me out so bad?  It was the bathroom sink.  Suddenly, there was a hole on the opposite side from the facet.  Where the heck did it come from?  Why was it there?  Bob, very calm and rational, tried explaining that it was an overflow hole, and that ALL bathroom sinks had them.  I’m sure he thought I was nuts.  Well, maybe I was.  Who knows. 

All I know is when I was confronted with something that shouldn’t have been there, I felt the Universes shift, just a bit.  It was quite disorienting.  Anyway, there was nothing I could about the fact I KNEW, just KNEW that that hole wasn’t there the previous night.  So, I had to accept it.  But I’ve had plenty of years to think about that incident because I never forgot it. 

Me, being the logical person I am, had a question.  If that hole was there to prevent the overflow of water in a bathroom sink, why weren’t there overflow holes in the bathtub or kitchen sink?  We all hear about bathtubs overflowing.  I’ve seen it as I live under another apartment and that’s happened to me.  So, why not?  WHY NOT?  Makes no sense to me.  

As stated above, some people think we’re in a Simulation.  Like the Matrix.  I just don’t buy that.  For me?  I think someone has tampered with our timeline, our history.  

When Nelson Mandela died in prison, he became a martyr.  This spawned massive protests, riots, a lot of unrest.  At least, that’s what I remember from the event.  Of course, there’s no way to confirm that since our history has been changed.  Letting Mandela live, changed the world.  So just imagine if he HAD died.  How would our world be different?  Or maybe, a different timeline intersected with our current one at just that time in space.  It’s enough to boggle the mind.  

But, what about all the other instances of mass hallucinations since then?  They seem trivial compared to Nelson Mandela’s death/non-death.  I think someone is still tampering with our history and these are just consequences of that meddling.  It’s hard enough believing anything on TV or the news these days.  Now, you can’t even trust your own history.  

So, there you have it.  Am I crazy?  🤣😂  Have you had your own Mandela Effect incident?  If so, I would love to hear about it.  

About Sahara Foley

Sahara Foley, in collaboration with her beloved late husband, writes urban and dark fantasy, science fantasy, and the occasional horror tale. She is an international award-winner and the first book in her Excalibur Saga series has been an Amazon bestseller multiple times. In 2018, she teamed up with friend and fellow author J.M. Northup to start Norns Triad Publications. They represent four authors under their brand. Sahara was born and still resides in the Midwest. Insurance Guru during the day, on her time off she enjoys reading, gardening, traveling with her family, helping fellow authors, and her secret passion – gaming. She is currently working on a new fantasy, time-travel story titled, Time Stones, slated to be released in 2022. You can connect with Sahara below: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/booksbysaharafoley Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaharaFoley Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/saharafoley/ Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Sahara-Foley/e/B00J9ST32U/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
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