Featured Free eBook – Wind Mage Rising by Dan Edelman

In Galen Harm’s quest to save his people from tyrannical oppression, he must confront demonic adversaries and discover the magic hidden within his guitar.

A rockstar confronts his destiny on the night of his band’s most important gig.

Standing on the legendary stage, Galen Harm can do no wrong.

His heart pounds wildly from the drugs.

While his fingers fly across the strings of his strange guitar,

Notes melting together, the audience swaying to the dirty groove.

Suddenly, a commotion from the back breaks the spell –

And the terrifying sound of machete blades taking heads overpowers the song.

Galen and his brethren fight their way out of the Cranium Box and reach the river,

Where an even greater horror awaits.

The truth of his now broken guitar.

Will he make it across alive?

About Sahara Foley

Sahara Foley, in collaboration with her beloved late husband, writes urban and dark fantasy, science fantasy, and the occasional horror tale. She is an international award-winner and the first book in her Excalibur Saga series has been an Amazon bestseller multiple times. In 2018, she teamed up with friend and fellow author J.M. Northup to start Norns Triad Publications. They represent four authors under their brand. Sahara was born and still resides in the Midwest. Insurance Guru during the day, on her time off she enjoys reading, gardening, traveling with her family, helping fellow authors, and her secret passion – gaming. She is currently working on a new fantasy, time-travel story titled, Time Stones, slated to be released in 2022. You can connect with Sahara below: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/booksbysaharafoley Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaharaFoley Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/saharafoley/ Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Sahara-Foley/e/B00J9ST32U/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
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