Do you know what Amazon Vine is? I really had no idea.
I do know that, when looking at reviews of products that I was looking to purchase, I would sometimes see a tag line on a review that said ‘Amazon Vine Customer Review of Free Product’ under the reviewer’s name.
Because I’ve read a lot of books over the years, I’ve left tons of review on Amazon. But not just for books. I’ve also left reviews on non-book products that I’ve bought. So I’ve always wondered what does it take to BECOME a Vine Reviewer. Seems I was about to find out. 🤣
About a week and a half ago, just before the end of 2024, I signed onto my Amazon store to post a review of a book. At the top of my page was an invitation to join Amazon Vine. Really? So, of course, I immediately clicked on the link.
Turns out the Vine Program is by invitation only. Wow! I guess I got invited to an exclusive club. From what I read, Amazon only sends invitations to buyers who leave lots of reviews, give honest feedback, whether good or bad, and give a more detailed review of just “I hated it”, or “I love it.” Amazon wants details of WHY a product was good or bad.
They also look at the feedback other buyers give your reviews. Have you ever clicked on that HELPFUL button at the bottom of a review? Well, that’s how Amazon keeps track of what reviews help the decision process of a buyer.
If you look at my public reviewer page on Amazon, you’ll notice they all have hearts under them, but a few have numbers next to the hearts. Usually only one or two people have found that review helpful. But I think the review that got Amazon’s attention is the one that got 239 thumps up from buyers. And that was a controversial book and subject.
But, what does the Amazon Vine Voice really entail?
Once you receive your invitation and accept their TOS, you start off at the Silver Level. This means you have access to lots of products from different categories, for free. You can order up to 3 free items a day. THREE. Your Amazon driver is gonna hate you. 😂😂
Once you receive your product, they do give you a month to use the item to see how it works out. They do require that you have to do at least 80 reviews to keep yourself in the program.
The Silver Level will only give you access to products listed at $100 or below. Supposedly once you hit your 80 reviews, Amazon will bump you up to the Gold Level. This gives you the option of ordering 8 items a day with values over $100 for each product. Wow. I can’t eve imagine what that will look like.
My biggest concern about the Vine program is, that so far, everything I’ve seen or ordered is from China. I hate supporting their cheap labor over there. Maybe when I get to the Gold Level there will be more American made products. I hope, fingers crossed.
Anyway, this long-winded post is to let you know I will be posting my Amazon Vine reviews here. I’m also looking to add unboxing and review videos on my YouTube channel. Amazon does encourage either pictures or videos with your written reviews.
So, here’s to 2025 and tons of Amazon products and reviews.
The whole thing sounds great, more so when it is something you were already doing. Trouble is I’ll bet you they don’t do it in the UK. But, Good luck to you it sounds like you will be very very busy.
You’re probably right. Amazon might not do it in the UK yet. And yeah, I think I might have set myself up to be very busy. LOL.