Tag Archives: #Crystals

#Crystals101 – June Crystal Birthstone

Did you know June is the only month that has a birthstone harvested from a living creature?  Yep, we’re talking Pearls.  Pearls are elegant and have always been sought after to complement women’s wardrobes. Some civilizations thought Pearls were teardrops … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – May Crystal Birthstone

If you were born in May, you probably already know that your main birthstone is the gorgeous Emerald.  Lucky you!  They were a favorite of the Greek Empire and many other civilizations.  Cleopatra also adorned herself with Emeralds.  Talk about … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – April Crystal Birthstone

If you’re an April baby, you probably already know the modern birthstone  for your birth month is the glamorous, and very popular, Diamond.  Wow, aren’t you lucky.  Or not, as Diamonds can be very pricy.   🤣😂 Diamonds are thought to … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – March Birthstone Crystal

March has two different crystals designated as it’s birthstone.  Aren’t you lucky. 😁  The first one is Aquamarine, and one stone that most people will have heard of.  High quality Aquamarine is a bit more costly then your standard crystal.  … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – February Birthstone Crystal

February is pretty straight forward and is an actual crystal and not just a jewel.  Well, you can buy jewelry made from Amethyst.  And, for someone who claimed I really didn’t care much for it, I have a lot of … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – January Birthstone Crystals

If you were born in January, you’re probably aware that Garnet is your primary birthstone.  But as all things in life, there’s always more than just one.  And, sometimes, there’s always more than one thought on the matter.  But ultimately, … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – Affirmations / Mantras

When I started my crystal journey, I posted my love for them on my Facebook page along with some pictures.  One of my friends commented that they threw away all their crystals because they were told they were evil and … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – Tibetan Singing Bowls

As mentioned in a previous article about cleaning your crystals, you can use sound, which entails a tuning fork, bell, or a singing bowl.  I opted for a singing bowl.  I actually have two.  However, singing bowls aren’t just for … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – UV Light and Crystals

  Did you know that a small percentage (15%) of crystals react under UV lighting?  They’re referred to as Fluorescent Minerals and very sought after by rockhounds.  Some crystal collectors have a whole room set up with UV lights just … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – Moss Agate and Plants: Part Two

Last month, I talked about placing moss agate crystals in some of my flower pots.  I went into detail HERE.  For some reason, WordPress deleted most of my images, so excuse the messy looking post.  😭  But the above picture … Continue reading

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