Tag Archives: #Crystals

#Crystals101 – Moss Agate and Plants

After I started my crystal journey, I spent a lot of time on Tok-tok, which also feed my obsession for those beautiful stones.  😂🤣   I remember coming across a video where a man in someplace like Cambodia or Vietnam, was … Continue reading

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#SaharasMusings – New Age / Woo-Woo Land

I recently had a newsletter subscriber email me that he finally couldn’t take it and he had to unsub.  He said I’d been getting stranger and stranger, but when I went with crystals, that was the straw that broke the … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – How to Cleanse your Crystals

People buy crystals for different reasons.  Some, just for the decorative aspect, as they are gorgeous and can add a touch of elegance to your home. However, most people collect crystals for their supposedly spiritual, mental, or health benefits.  Crystals … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – Fake vs Real Crystals

As with everything else in life, there are always people who want to scam you.  And crystals are no exception.  If you’re looking to buy your first crystal, Buyer Beware.  Make sure you’re not buying a fake or man-made one.  … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – More Crystals To Identify

In my last post about crystals, I went over the four most common types. Today, I will be showing you the more uncommon ones.  At least from what I’ve learned in my journey.  There are so many crystals I know … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – How to Identify Your Crystals

You found your first piece of stone/crystal that you fell in love with.  Just had to pick it up or buy it.  Now what do you do with it?  How do you identify it?  That’s the question of the year.  … Continue reading

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#Crystals101 – Rock vs Crystal Collections

As kids, I think most of us have collected, or at least, picked up a rock that caught our attention as it glittered on the ground.  I never went as far as keeping them, but my sister has a collection … Continue reading

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#SaharasMusings – When Enough Is Too Much

I was talking with my sister the other day and she mentioned that she had to clean out her craft room as she’d bought more than she needed.  Then we laughed over the fact she probably inherited that trait from … Continue reading

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#SaharasMusings – Sunbathing With My Crystals

I love the sun.  I sit out on my patio everyday when I can.  Since winter is around the corner and the last few days were amazing, my crystals and I took the opportunity to soak up some rays. (Above … Continue reading

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